Our Products
Peptide targeted radiotherapy (PTRT) is a promising new approach to cancer therapy that has been widely validated in clinical studies and is in routine clinical use in Europe.
Andarix products and technologies are covered by issued and pending patents in major international markets as well as Orphan Drug designation.
We have developed a novel peptide, P2045, that contains an intelligently designed sequence that forms a chelate complex with radioisotopes.
Our product candidates benefit from the specificity of a targeted therapeutic coupled with the tumoricidal effect of radiation therapy.
Tozaride (Rhenium 188 P2045)
Rhenium (Re) 188 P2045 is a targeted therapy that combines a high-affinity somatostatin receptor-binding peptide with the high-energy, beta-emitting radionuclide Rhenium-188.
Both small cell (~84%), and non-small cell (~87%) lung cancers, as well as neuroendocrine cancers (>90%) are characterized by a high over-expression of the somatostatin receptor (SSTR).